We have a comprehensive archive comprising of thousands of photos, personal stories and research material.
Due to the large amount of information and items which we hold within the Museum we have developed an archiving system enabling us to search and locate the items within the Museum electronically. We can search our archives for information we may have on aircraft and aircrew and groundcrew members in Bomber Command during the Second World War. For this search we ask for a payment of £15.00 which is non refundable if we don't find any information in the search. The archive enquiry form can be completed in our online shop.
We are building up a library of books and images which shortly we hope in time to make available to the public for their own research.
We like to focus on the more personal aspect of the Second World War and Bomber Command and so we are very happy to display individuals stories and photographs. If you would like to make a donation to the Centre please contact us on 01790763207.
More about the Museum
Museum History
Learn about how and why the Centre began and discover the family story behind the Centre.
Lincs Aircraft Recovery
The Lincolnshire Aircraft Recovery Group, respectfully recovering history from the crash site within Lincolnshire.
Meet Our Team
Meet the team that keeps Bomber Command's memory alive by keeping the aircraft and museum operating.