The 2013 reenactment event at East Kirkby
The Spring bank holiday saw the 2013 EK43 reenactment event, an annual celebration of the RAF at East Kirkby during WW2.
We were blessed with nice weather for the weekend which meant that the event could go to plan!
Saturday 25th-
We had 3 Lancaster taxy runs and a Spitfire flypast. With those and around 60-100 reenactors on site the event certainly had a 40's flavour. The wonderful Swing Dance Society entertained the crowds with 1940's dancing in the hangar and we havd some wonderful training films and news reels in our 'Station Cinema' on site.
Monday 27th-
In addition to the above we had Lola performing on the Monday and a Mustang flying display (a replacement aircraft for the BBMF Spitfire that cancelled due to cross winds).
The event was very well atteneded and we are extrememly grateful to all those that support us.
We had our Dambusters mine on display to celebrate 70th Anniversary of the Dambusters Raid.
The Dakota took off on Saturday for an air show at Duxford.
BBMF Mk19 Spitfire flypast on Saturday.
Silksheen photography report is here