Battle of Britain day goes with a BANG!!
A mellow September day in 2011 saw further aircraft cancellations that seem to have blighted our display season this year.
The first aircraft to inform us of their non-appearance was PA474 the BBMF Lancaster but thankfully the display programme was full enough for us to continue on without too many issues.
Our Lancaster performed well at the hands of Sqn Ldr Rick Groombridge and completed two taxy runs in the day.
(Photo by Oscarpix imaging)
We had many car clubs and vintage cars with us on the day from Deloreans to Opels.
(Photos by Martin Keen)
We were then told the news that the ME-109 (Buchon) would not be able to make it to us on the day which meant we needed to think fast and organise a second Spitfire!
(Photos by Martin Keen)
(Photos by Oscarpix)
Along with the airfield attack we were treated to a BBMF Hurricane flypast!
(Photos by Martin Keen)
And a Chipmunk Balbo!
We also had our Battle of Britain reenactors on site all day providing a setting for the pyrotechnics!
(Photos by Martin Keen)